Sunday, October 14, 2007


Three hour jaunt, starting at the main entrance, to the pond, then back to the "neck" and west along the boundary overlooking the "Valley of the Kings," back by way of the footpath. Weather was mid to upper 50's, damp, overcast, 7-10 mph westerly breeze. Narrow pathway from the "neck" to the pond now exists in preparation for Sunday's tour. The field perimeter may eventually have to be measured with a GPS to get a more accurate idea of the acreage. Continued to mark boundary line and pins with pink tape. Collected garbage. Saw evidence of basswood stumps along the western edge that may have been 8 feet or more in diameter when they were cut. The leaf cover along the western boundary and woodlands overlooking USR50 & Bourneville is becoming sparser as the season matures, gradually revealing more frequent glimpses of the spectacular winter vistas to come.
Sightings: whitetail deer, northern flicker, blue jay, Pandion haliaetus, white throated sparrow, eastern towhee, wreath goldenrod, and white snakeroot.

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